Winclove Probiotics: measures on Coronavirus
As we are all in the grip of the spreading Coronavirus and continuously changing situations, Winclove closely follows the news of COVID-19 and follows very strict the advice of the RIVM (Dutch National Institute for Public health and the Environment).
During this time Winclove focusses on two main guiding principles:
- Protecting the health and safety of our employees.
- Protecting our ability to make and supply safe probiotics.
In this update we want to inform you about the measures we have taken to protect the health and safety of our employees and to ensure the continuity of our production.
What Winclove is doing to keep employees safe:
- Employees are asked to work from home as much as possible.
- All measures we take are continuously adjusted to the most up to date advises / instructions of the RIVM. Please visit the website for detailed list of instructions.
- As a supplement manufacturing company, some colleagues can’t work from home and work in the production plant or laboratory. Proper handwashing technique and general hygiene has always been required. A corporate message via intranet has been sent out to reinforce the necessity of handwashing practice for both production and office employees as well as the use of paper handkerchiefs and tissues and coughing in your elbow.
For those employees who wanted, we offered them: probiotics, multivitamins, vitamin C and vitamin D (this is our own initiative – no Government advise).
What Winclove is doing to ensure continuity of our production:
The continuity of our production plant is key to us and goes hand in hand by keeping all our employees safe.
To ensure the continuity of our production, we have decided that our Production plant and Laboratory are only accessible for those colleagues who are directly involved in the production process. Since a few weeks we have been preparing ourselves for this situation in safeguarding all production related requirements.
On top of that we have daily contact with all current suppliers and contract manufacturers requesting an impact update. Because of our thorough preparation the last few weeks, we can report little to no risk at this moment.
We will keep you informed
We are aware of health and business concerns and will continue to monitor the situation closely and will adjust plans as necessary. In the mean time we would like to continue our communications via digital means in order to keep providing you with the support you are used from us.
If you have any questions or concerns about this message, contact our Director of Operations Martijn van Dam by phone on 0031 20 435 02 35.
Kind regards,
Maarten Pekelharing, CEO
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