Partnership Wageningen University

Intestine-on-a-chip with integrated immune and microbiota compartments
Winclove Probiotics is happy to share with you that we are an knowledge partner of the INIMINI project, in partnership with Wageningen University & Research.
In the project “INIMINI-health: immune- and microbiota-competent intestine-on-a-chip to study health promoting nutrition and drugs” a consortium of leading knowledge institutes, technology suppliers, food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical companies, and a health fund are brought together to develop an immune- and microbiota competent intestine on-a-chip model. This advanced model will enable studying the crucial interactions between gut epithelium, immune cells and microbiota in health and disease, necessary for developing new health promoting nutritional and pharmaceutical products. The project delivers model systems with enhanced predictive value for in vivo impact of food, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals. It will reduce the need for undesirable animal testing and (costly) human trials and can serve as a medium-throughput screening model.
The INIMINI project is funded by Health Holland and has the Dutch Maag Lever Darm Stichting (MLDS) as a sponsor. Winclove Probiotics will provide probiotics and data from clinical trials to validate the findings.
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